Friday, November 21, 2008

Curl quandary

Sachi has such terrific curls, that it has become a quandary as to whether or not i should cut them.

In all practicality, they are in her field of vision and who wants to see a big black mass as you are trying to reach for your toys...or better yet, gain your footing so you don't fall on your face! But the curls are so cute, and each one has such a distinct personality. Right now, she has one that goes at almost perpendicular to her forehead. I love that curl.

I know the right thing to do is cut them, or pin them back--but sometimes I don't. Agghhh, am I a bad mom or just obsessed with these cute curls.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Garba Showdown

This is Sachi with her cousin lovingly called "Khushu" by his mom and dad.
They are at a garba and Sachi is pretty sure Khushu has nothing on her. She's got rhythm and a feisty spirit. She is mocking him with a tough smirk. He responds like a gentle dove.
They are both 1/2 gujarati, and have a fighting chance at some fancy footwork.
Bring it!