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Meera Esha Barot was born in Mumbai on December 12th, just a few days before Sachi's birthday. While she will not meet Meera for a few months, soon she will see that Meera was the best birthday present she could ask for. Her mommy and daddy say she is lots of fun, and definitely a night owl--just like Sachi. We have to watch out when those two become teenagers, and they are sneaking out late at night behind our backs.
So everyone is wondering--do Sachi and Meera look alike? Here is a picture of both of them a few days after they were born. You be the judge!
The left image is Sachi, and the right image is her brand new cousin Meera.

There is that time in a parent's life when they realize their little one is no longer a baby. I am both happy and sad to say that time has come for me. There is something about the way that Sachi looks and interacts now that identifies her as a "little girl". She is her own person now with a very distinctive personality, and her own set of desires. She walks with intention, and is always trying to strike up conversation.
I guess this had to little baby is growing up. Coincidentally, this is the age (22 months) when parents usually transition their child from a crib to a bed. We transitioned Sachi months ago from our bed to her own bed--but she still finds her way to our bed each night.
It has just over two weeks since Anil and I got back from our fabulous vacation in Barcelona. For one week, we were in one of the most alive cities in the world, without Sachi. We got to stay up late, sleep in, have relaxing multi-course meals, and walk all over the city. It was like we were dating again.
Of course we missed Sachi and even watched her videos every day. Meanwhile, she was at home with her grandparents, "Aji and Opa". She did really well while we were gone, and strangely held a grudge against Aji for a whole week when we came back--as if Aji had something to do with our disappearance. She has since warmed upto Aji again, and even misses her now.
As Sachi is on the road to discovering new words, she has come up with a special lexicon--that only those with the trained ear can decipher. Here are a few words and their you too can speak Sachi's language.
Ta-pope: Cantaloupe
Ta-toon: Popcorn
Tu-pid: Toothpaste
O-gurk: Yogurt
Da-ya: Daddy
Wah: Water
Ah-jeem: Icecream
I am going to be sad when she learns how to say all these words correctly. Her language is so much fun!
Sachi likes to play a lot of "pretend" lately. Unfortunately this also includes trips to the potty. Just like her daddy, she sits there for a long time and thumbs a magazine. Man, I don't know who invented this whole reading on the pot thing, but I say just get in there, do your business, and get out!
She has yet to leave anything worth mentioning in her potty.
Lately Sachi has been quite the performer.
You gotta turn your head sideways to watch this cuteness!
They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, but I didn't get it until I went there with Sachi on my birthday. From the first ride (the merry go round), Sachi was in heaven. When the ride ended and I had to dismount her from the horse, she was screaming. I said to her, "Don't worry Sachi, we are going on so many more rides". After the first ride, we hit rides like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Pinnochio, Alice's Teacups, It's a smallworld, and the ride through Storybookland. We mostly only stayed in Fantasyland, but was fun. I want to go there for Anil's bday now.
This is a picture of Sachi while she was enjoying one week of an Indian Summer up here. I wish she looked like this now. Sadly, she is sick with a steady stream of yellow mucous running out of her nose.
She started daycare just three weeks ago, and in that time, she has contracted two different colds, and done a whole lot of crying. (This does not help the mucous situation) I kept her out of daycare today so she can rest. In fact, we are all sick. But, at least it is not the swine flu.
I am hoping she enjoys the interaction with the 5 other kids in daycare, but right now, all of it just feels pretty crappy. The worst is we live next door to the daycare, and I can hear her crying sometimes. I may as well just rip my heart out.
A few weeks ago, Anil and I made a trip to Claire's Accessories in Emeryville with the mission to pierce Sachi's ears. Prior to the event, we went out to lunch, and filled Sachi's little belly with icecream in apology for the pain that was to come. We went to Claire's, picked out her studs, and I personally was shocked that either myself or Anil had to hold her steady while this piercing was to occur. I shuddered at the thought of doing it, and it was obvious that Anil would have that job of holding her down.
this harrowing event, Sachi was in so much pain it appeared she was going to vomit. I held her in my arms, and tried to assure her it was going to be okay. They gave her a lollipop as sugar therapy, and it seemed to work a little bit.
But look at her now...she is a beauty. If you zoom should be able to see a speck of amethyst on her ear. This is the best I could do without holding her head down again.
Yeah, Seema Auntie is married...we just came back from Houston, and had a great time hanging with all the relatives.
Sachi is here with her auntie Seema, the day after the wedding. I don't know what was up lately, but Sachi has been eating non-stop. Seema got to witness this firsthand. Sachi just ate half of an avocado and was forcing spoons of yogurt into her mouth after that.Seema was also trying to feed her nephew Krish some of this yogurt, but Sachi put up a fuss. Each spoon had to be directed into her mouth, and into her ever expanding belly.
Sachi, keep it up while it's cute and your metabolism is raging. Do you eat for hunger, comfort, or just plain oral satisfaction? All I know is if you keep up at this pace, your momma is not going to be able to carry you anymore.
I recently discovered the town of Alameda, and I love it. It is a quiet island town just west of Oakland. It has a nice shoreline, great restaurants, and mom & pop establishments, and a modern mall with all the necessary bix box retailers, e.g Tj's, Safeway, BB & Beyond, WAMU, etc. I love the grassy parks with colonial gazebos and trickling fountains...reminiscent of Mexican cities I have visited. Alameda is a place where you expect the people to be friendly, and they certainly don't dissappoint!
Anil, Sachi and I went over there on a really nice day, ate some crepes, then walked from downtown to the beach and back. We passed homes on the estuary (reminding me of the Venice canals). It was a glorious day, and since then, I will make any excuse to go back there. Anil is thinking about limiting my trips to Alameda to twice a I can also enjoy a bit of Oakland.
We made it through the first year, and still wake up (a little tired) and thankful everyday that Sachi is a part of our lives.
In 2008, we got to see Sachi's wide range of emotions, including my favorite--her uncontrollable laugh/squeal. It is awesome to see her personality develop. Her most recent expression is a pouty face when she is not getting what she wants. It goes somthing like this...I say no, she pouts, then hugs me, and then I succomb to her demands.
Sachi is also close to walking now...standing for 20 secs at a time. I am going to miss that swift crawl. I am also going to miss sitting down, I hear. 2009 will surely be an adventure of sorts.