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Sachi's great grandmother, Vasundhara Patwardhan passed away at the ripe age of 93 on September 2nd, 2010. Fortunately, she and Sachi got to meet in 2009 in Pune, India. "Panji", as Sachi calls her, was very enamored with Sachi's carefree spirit, dancing, and soft feet.
Sachi's brother, who will be born in a few weeks, unfortunately will never get to meet a living great grandparent.
Here is some more information on Vasundhara Patwardhan,
She was an eminent Marathi writer, and had written many short stories, essays and radio plays.
Today we did a 4D ultrasound, and got to see a better view of this little guy growing inside me. Unfortunately, he was not expecting company or an audience so he was sort of intent on relaxing--but the ultrasound tech tried desperately to wake him with pushing, prodding, wiggling, and pumping me with fruit juice.
Although he was not as active as we had hoped, we did see him moving around a bit, rubbing his eyes, and cracking a little smile. It was precious. Sachi, Anil, Reva and Maneesh and my Parents were here to witness the demo live.
Both Anil and Reva fear he may have what they term "The Nimkar Nose". This fear was also cast upon Sachi once upon a time, but her nose is just fine. Poor guy is not even born yet, and people are already criticizing!
Sachi's tastes have quickly elevated.
She had her toenails painted for the first time by her grandmother(Aji) in San Diego a few months ago. We tried to get her polish right, but it quickly chipped and a few of the nails were not really perfect. So Sachi often complained about how her toenail polish was all messed up and chipped. So, I figured, let the experts handle it. I took her to the salon for a proper polish. In the past month, she has been to the salon twice. First she wanted pink nail polish, and more recently, she wanted a green with sparkles.
I have to admit
, they do a pretty darned good job for $3 a visit--so it is one luxury that I am willing to indulge her with. Besides, her toes are so extremely cute! We enjoy the polish as much as she does.
I am nearly 6 months pregnant with Sachi's little brother, and am just wanting to fully relish my experience with Sachi before we start redirecting the focus on the new baby. Here are some of her milestones/memories that I don't want to forget:
3 months: Babbling secrets in an unknown language
6 months: First solids, started with sweet potatoes
8 months: First sign (milk), First tooth, and first word (mama)
10 months: Crawling with chunky thighs
12 months: Moved into our first house
13 months: Walking slimmed down my little toddler
14 months: Learned to feed herself (starting with grapes)
15 months: Stopped Nursing on her own
18 months: Had her own bed to sleep in, but mostly slept with us
Now, 29 months: She is the love of my life. She is a bright young woman with a razor sharp memory, firm negotiation skills, and a great sense of humor. She generally gets more books read and more sweets than I promise. She is also great at turning the tables on us regarding discipline. The other day Anil asked for one of her Gluco biscuits, and she firmly responded, "You can't eat junk all the time." She's right.

Today, we went for our much awaited 5 month ultrasound, and the answer to the boy or girl question became very clear...crystal clear.
We are having a little boy. Anil and I are very excited and will now start on the path of looking at names, and figuring out what kind of fun boy decal we can add to the new "kids" room.
However, Sachi didn't take the news as well as we hoped. She really wanted a sister.
We were just looking at pictures from our India trip a year ago. (This one is of Sachi at 14 months.) I realize all our vacation pics now are mostly funny or cute pics of her in different places. It definitely makes me realize how much we love our time with her. We do this thing where we ask Sachi, "Is it possible to love you too much?" And then she replies with a little smirk, "It is not possible". She is right. Even though she bugs and annoys me everyday, I love this little smoosh to tears. She is sleeping right now...which is often when my love for her is greatest (j/k).
Little Sachi is about to get the best present ever...a little brother or sister! We are about 10 weeks along did the ultrasound today. We didn't get the best image since this one was punching, kicking and moving all around. But we did get a nice little glimpse of the face, and hands, and feet.
Sachi is going to be the best big sister come September 2010! She is already excited and knows "Mommy has baby inside tummy."