3 months: Babbling secrets in an unknown language
6 months: First solids, started with sweet potatoes
8 months: First sign (milk), First tooth, and first word (mama)
10 months: Crawling with chunky thighs
12 months: Moved into our first house
13 months: Walking slimmed down my little toddler
14 months: Learned to feed herself (starting with grapes)
15 months: Stopped Nursing on her own
18 months: Had her own bed to sleep in, but mostly slept with us
Now, 29 months: She is the love of my life. She is a bright young woman with a razor sharp memory, firm negotiation skills, and a great sense of humor. She generally gets more books read and more sweets than I promise. She is also great at turning the tables on us regarding discipline. The other day Anil asked for one of her Gluco biscuits, and she firmly responded, "You can't eat junk all the time." She's right.