Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Play "Pretend"

Sachi likes to play a lot of "pretend" lately. Unfortunately this also includes trips to the potty. Just like her daddy, she sits there for a long time and thumbs a magazine. Man, I don't know who invented this whole reading on the pot thing, but I say just get in there, do your business, and get out!

She has yet to leave anything worth mentioning in her potty.


Unknown said...

Dishoom! I've already set this as wallpaper on my phone. :)

Anita said...

Me too! I love reading because it helps me focus on something different besides just my business! He he....

TK said...

I'm with Sarita on this one. Luckily, the man of the house doesn't read (anywhere). LOL!

I'm also stealing the wallpaper idea. :)

- Shal