Monday, August 4, 2008

Unlimited expressions of the Sachi

Baby Sachi has unlimited expressions. As time passes, we start seeing more and more. This photograph is part of a series of pictures her autie Reva took. This is Sachi's "fishy face". Anil thinks she got this look from me. Grandma Madhavi thinks Sachi should be a child model. I am thinking of managing her modeling career full-time. Watch out Gerber, here Sachi comes!


Anita said...

I LOVE her so much. Sarita, that pic totally reminds me of you. I remember when you used to have that expression...For SURE!!! I can't believe it. I even remember seeing a picture of it. Sarita and baby sach, we need to talk soon. I miss you guys too much.

TK said...

Two words: baby gap